Stop your fur ball from becoming a fur boulder
When it comes to pets, there are two kinds of pounds you want to avoid! Pets love food, and they are often at their most adorable when they think there’s a chance you’ll share your snack with them. But eating too much can lead to a lot of health problems.
At MustCare, we realise saying no to your fur baby’s cute face can be difficult. That’s why our weight management program is designed to educate you on the dangers of excess weight, and to set achievable weight loss goals for your furry friend.
The benefits of weight management
- Your pet will be healthier
- Your pet will be happier
- Your pet will be more active
- Your pet food will last longer
Research has shown that around 41% of dogs and 32% of cats are overweight to some degree. An overweight pet is at risk from a range of problems including:
- Diabetes mellitus
- Heart disease
- Skin complaints
- Breathing difficulties
- Arthritis
Weight gain in pets is normally the result of an increase in body fat. This is most commonly caused by a pet eating too much or eating the wrong foods, especially when combined with a lack of exercise. If more energy is being gained from food that is being used, the surplus will be stored in the body as fat.
Here are some indicators your pet might need a weight management program:
- You can’t feel their ribs without applying a lot of pressure
- They are obsessed with food
- They are inactive most of the time
- Their waist is gone and their belly wobbles when they move
- You’ve loosened their collar several times over the past year
One of our trained veterinary nurses will prepare a weight management program for your fur baby. They’ll outline target weight goals and also supply you with a fitness planner. Your planner will include:
- A progress tracker
- A nutrition plan
- An exercise program
The program and your pet’s targets will be based on their age, breed, health and individual needs.
You’ll also be asked to visit us regularly for free follow-up progress visits. These will involve weight check-ups to make sure your pet is on track.
If your pet’s fur coat is looking a bit tighter than usual, or if the scale needle has been moving in the wrong direction for a while, it’s time for a weight management plan.
Our experts can help you set achievable weight loss goals for your fur baby. Simply book an appointment today to start their weight loss journey!