Desexing doesn’t just prevent unwanted pregnancies, it helps your pets live longer, happier lives
If your little pack of furballs is made up of mixed sexes, desexing is a must. Otherwise, you could find yourself needing to buy a bigger kennel pretty soon! But did you know that desexing prevents a lot of other unwanted behaviours as well?
Male animals can become very antisocial and get into trouble wandering off looking for a mate. Meanwhile females have a heightened risk of serious health problems. If you want to make sure your pets are as friendly and comfortable as possible, you need to get them desexed.
The benefits of desexing
- Prevents unwanted pregnancies
- Prevents antisocial behaviour like spraying, aggression and escape attempts
- Reduces chances of testicular and prostate cancer in males, and of ovarian cancer and cysts in females
- Reduces the toll taken on female bodies after repeated breeding
The age for desexing depends on the breed and the sex of your pets and whether their deciduous teeth have fallen out yet. Generally speaking, most animals are ideally desexed between 8 weeks and 6 months old. For specific answers for your fur baby, book an appointment for a consultation.
- Your fur baby is admitted to hospital
- A pre-operative check is completed to make sure they are healthy for surgery
- They spend a day in observation before the surgery
- Pre-operative pain relief and IV fluids are administered, and a heated table and vital-sign monitoring are prepared
- Your pet is given human-grade anaesthesia tailored to their to their breed, size and tolerance
- For males, the testes are removed, for females the ovaries and uterus are removed
- Postoperative pain relief and observation for 24-48 hours, after which they can return home
- A 3-5 day check in
- At 10 days the sutures can be removed and your precious pet can get back to their usual routine
Does your furry friend seem sick or in pain? This could be a sign that something is wrong.
At MustCare, we don’t believe in silly questions. If you’re worried, we want to help. Get in touch and book an appointment so we can figure out what’s got your cat’s tongue.